Sunday, February 20, 2011

Celadon- Hillcrest

Celadon, a Thai place between the Tractor room and the Atlas condos on 5th is a bit of irony. Walk inside, white lacquered finishes with art deco black accents and you are reminded of a boutiquey hotel restaurant... However patrons are a slim...

Owners of Rama downtown, it was time to try Celadon once again.

Papaya salad, shredded papaya with chile, lime and Shrimp sauce received a 2 out 5 stars. Ok, but the robust flavors experienced after living in Thailand for a month did not make it's way this time:

The prak gao, a chicken and eggplant spicy dish was served with brown rice. Overall, the chicken was interestingly diced and although ok, the chili level 7 overpowered everything else:

Attentive hostess, and spacious interior, not sure of it was the ingredients or the spice that was off, but a bit too Americanized for thai..

- Posted from my iPhone

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