Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Purple potatoe delight

Spring is in the Air and the purple potatoes were especially taunting down the grocery isle. Ever wonder why they're purple?

Here's a food fact. They contain the same antioxidant as blueberries!! That's right.. Anthocyanin. These little purple starch babies have radical fighting antioxidants. How much, who knows...lol

Prepared with a variety of herbs and cooked to a browned perfection, fabulously sprinkled With truffle salt, they set the appetite.

Veggie couscous was prepared: italian squash, carmelized onions, dill and thyme with grassy olive oil (yes the deep Green unfiltered kind). Served With garlic and dill coated tuna.. The little purple potatoes came alive:

Why dont we have purple french fries? Totally missed marketing opportunity.

- mobile food cam

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