But Will they have you woking out. The crumbly flaky crust and molten cheese dont come calorie free. Especially the Rich and delicious quichés at Tartine in SF or the flaky crusted ones at Pastis in NY, the SD scene has bleu boheme on a sunday but not that many surprising.
Summer is coming and its time to trim the fat. Roasted veggies and potatoes sauteed in rich Virgin olive oil with fresh thyme, orégano and cracked pepper sizzle the flavors and goodness of a healthy start. A little plump broccoli and onions for your vitamins and a little whipped egg, a crustless quiché is born:

Oozing with flavor and sprinkled with just the right amount of pecorino cheese (have to have some dairy!), it californifys the quiché concept:

Some roasted veggies:

Feel free to get overserved...
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