Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rib attack

Baby back ribs, side of grilled corn and a good brew and you have a feast at hand. Ever wonder why baby back ribs are so good?

Aside from the intercostal meat tenderness, the term "baby" typically means the ribs are taken from hogs instead of sow.. And the ribs are closer to the loin area.. Which means, more tender juicy meat around them bones!

Spare ribs, on the other hand, are taken from the belly end above the sternum and are usually flatter and contain more bone than meat.

Either way you slice it, a little brown sugar, BBQ sauce and a broiling oven and it's easy to create finger lickin ribs:

With a leafy green salad topped with caramelized pecans and crumbled aged blue cheese... Fabulous:

And the veggies! Garlic sweet broccoli helps balance it out:

For dessert, an exquisite selection of artisan chocolates from Poco Dolce in SF. Dark chocolate with a hint of chile spice and flaky sea salt! Absolutely divine..

- Posted from my iPhone

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