Thursday, March 10, 2011

Stella alpina- Burlingame

A hidden Italian treasure awaits you in burlingame. Stella Alpina, almost discreet and hidden from view, a power dinner spot for the silicon valley community.

For starters, the white truffle gnocchi with sage butter was phenemenal! Gnocchi goodness with soft earthy hint of truffle and rounded creamy finishing of sage butter...:

Scraping the last bit of the sauce with some toasted bread is not to be missed!

Butter lettuce salad was topped with red onion, olives and feta cheese:

The special of the day, a fresh halibut topped with a tomatoe and olive medley:

Baby carrots and baked well..

Complimented fully by a medium bodied cuvaison Pinot:

Hints of cherries and plum danced in your mouth..

A fantastic spot for a solidly good meal before you jet out to SFO.

- Posted from my iPhone

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