Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Setá- Whittier

Uptown Whittier, the historic town known for only two things: 1) Nixon went to high school and college and 2) the quake of 87..

Uptown Whittier is an art deco historical landscape.. Picturesque in many ways, a new infusion of restaurants has permeate the scene.

The latest being setá, a Latin Asian blend that does brunch!

The huevos rancheros were an interesting flat tortilla topped eggs over easy with black beans, cheese and classic ranchero sauce:

Looks a little like a Mexican pizza, the richness of real sour cream was a bit too much, though tasty.

Huevos ala Benedict with truffles ham, hollandaise sauce and thick smoked bacon

So not getting the Asian food vibe aside from the sleek decor, service was a bit slow, food a 3 star plus, but definitely an interesting addition to the uptown Whittier area...

Down the street, watch out for ricks hamburgers... They can take In and Out anyday!

- Posted from my iPhone

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