Low lit ambience with classic low wattage filament bulbs, exposed wood arches and support, polished concrete, and dark interior with a bar displaying 1 row of bottled beauties, the atmosphere is loud. From the music to the acoustics, it's not a first date place unless you will be yelling at each other across the table, but definately a group dinner environment.

The devil eggs draped with bacon and cooked with mustard hints adorned with shoestring fries with lemon and truffle dipping aoili are fantastic!

A hen never had them this good! The creamy, hearty, salty fritte and smoky bacon flavors just come together in bites of utter joy. Delicious.
The strawberry basil martini was interesting. At first subtle and good with a whiff of basil as you drank, but when mixed, the sweetness of the vodka infused strawberry shined through in a semi sweet way...

The battered shrimp with aoili sauce were great: meaty shrimp complemented by the breading and not overwhelmed by it, served with a celery carpaccio salad drizzled with lemon... Deliciouso:

The mussels with andallouse sausage provided a tomatoe based heartiness to the Carlsbad mussels... Slight smoky and great for bread dipping:

The beet and arugula salad, with 2 different types of beets and feta cheese is practically a staple.
The duck confit, on greens and a potatoe disc was fantastic:

The loin: a healthy portion loin cooked with citrus glaze, peaches and baby potatoes with spinach require the jaws of 2 beasts to devour:

Orgasmically good with the Zinfandel Pettite syrah blend of a bottle that we had. This is why we work out!
For dessert, a sweet and salty chocolate layered cake that took several tries in understanding that the adorning chocolate covered pretzels with the gelato was the salt aspect of the dish. Nonetheless, well presented and multilayered in both structure and complexity of taste:

Rachel's other dessert this night was a cheesecake with figs and a concord grape sorbet:

And because all the paws in the pictures belonged to beautifully people that were getting jealous of not being displayed with their dishes... A first on only happy satisfied people (well most of them :))

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)
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