Sunday, September 12, 2010

Voices for children fundraiser

Voices for children is an organization that raises funds as well as awareness to combat the troubles and challenges that orphan and foster care children face. On this event, the fundraising energy was vibrant: live auctions going into the high dollar ranges, music and a large part of the upper echelon of the area.

But the food was quite good given the number of tables and size of the attendance.

Pamellmousse grill brought out there arugula and watermelon salad: feta cheese, star shaped bread and light balsamic dressing:

The seabass was fantastically prepared.. Again surprised by the sea of wait staff coming in troves to bring out dishes that were warm. The seabass, grilled and baked, with a mild polenta and green beans was simple and good:

The dessert was a chocolate tart: chocolate pudding baked into a tart with boysenberry and raspberry decorations...

Although the focus of the event was to raise funds for the children, the food as such things tend to be disappointing. In this case, many of the restaurants an chefs contributed their best efforts to make this an above and beyond tasting experience.

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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