With a medium sized pumpkin, the meat and pulp can be boiled and blended with milk, butter, cinnamon and vanilla to create a light creamy pumpkin soup:.

Utilizing the pulp and cooking it with garlic, cloves and a rub of bitter orange, cinnamon and capers, adding a chicken broth base with a little curry creates a curried pumpkin soup thats bound to offer a kick, topped with a pumpkin oil and roasted pumpkin seeds:

And let's not forget the seeds.. Roasted pumpkin seeds basting with a little olive oil, sea salt and some herbs du Provence creates a very festive and tasty snack:

The mighty pumpkin lives on! Finding it way into all kids of goods including cupcakes, cheesecakes, ice creams, puddings and Ginger cakes:

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)
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