Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pumpkin spice and all that's nice

October is in full effect, the seasons changing, the jack o lanterns making their debut and the aromatic smell of cinnamon, cardamon and allspice are filling the air.

On this joyous occasion, had the pleasure of celebrating with some good friends. And a celebration it was, frommage and vino started the night:

Double cream Brie, Spanish iberico cheese, pungent blue, capers, hearty olives, Croatian figs and a chicken liver pâté that was divine.

Here's a closeup:

Prosciutto e melone, delectable and fruity with a hint of smokiness... Superb:

A spinach speckled ricotta cheese ravioli was transformed with a special Brazilian preparation. Jumbo shrimp Cooked to tender perfection with pumpkin meat and creme, all baked inside a masterful pumpkin...

The shrimp oozing and basting on the flavors. Here's the ravioli before:

And after:

Fabulous combination of sea and land. Creamy and mildly pumpkin sweet caressed the crevettes with a seductive lightness. The combination of cheese filled ravioli, pumpkin and shrimp was an improv on a classic brazillian dish... Some could even say as the result of a brazilitaliano marriage

For desserts, celebration abound with Dom perignon and a raspberry and blackberry decorated cheesecake:


- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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