Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Splish splash.. Fall into the seasons..

While being delighted by the sounds of splish splashing going on, the aroma of tender chicken marinaded in oregano and paprika was calling.

Theses little chickens had no idea what was coming. Sizzled to a high tender cooking range, roasted paprika and oregano danced the night away.

Accompanied with an avocado oil drizzled spinach salad with a fig balsamic vinaigrette, the flavors were seductively playing a game of twister with the fellow taste buds:

With summer Italian squash meeting the flavors of fall.. Roasted cinnamon, cumin, pepper and caramelized onions, seasonal harmony danced away With the fellow buds:

The brujo was pleased :)

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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