Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Regent thai- DC

Adams Morgan neighborhood has a lively outgoing atmosphere, streets lined with outdoor seating, restaurants and bars.

A comfort thai place, Regent has a spicy well prepared dishes to offer:

Lemongrass and chili basil mussels were definitely a kick starter:

Red curry with chicken was a sweet and spicy rich dish that was fantastic:

The drunken noodles were a special treat. Larger than life noodles basted in a garlic black sauce, hearty and delicious:

The eggplant with chicken was also quite good with basil and mild peppers:

The red panang also looked fabulous:

Goon bites with a back of the throat spice that gets the juices flowing..

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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