Friday, May 28, 2010

Bombay Hillcrest

The monsoon group operates several Indian restuarants in the area. Masala in the downtown area, banana leaf in Hillcrest and Bombay in Hillcrest all offer a wide array of Indian foods.

Bombay's environment is really well done. The entire entrance is one big retracting wall, allowing the sidewalk to esentially be the border of the entrance, giving you a great open airy feeling. It's too bad a lot of SD restuarat don't do this, given the weather. Nice water elements create a curtain of water as you walk into a dark interior with classic Indian decor.

The curry hummous was ordere as a starter:

Spic and favorful, went fantastically well with the garlic topped naan.

The tandoori gourgh was chicken tandoori with sautteed tomatoes and onions:

It was colorful and tasty, but was expecting a more potent flavor.

The lamb and lentils were good with the basamati rice

Extra garlic naan to scoop up the dishes:

Overall, the food was ok bit definately prepring for some cocktails on the veranda facing the street.

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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