Thursday, May 27, 2010

Saffron delight teaser

I had the pleasure of meeting Angela Goding of Saffron the other day, San Diego's first thai restuarant since 1985 which was started by her mother Su-Mei Yu. (will have to write up on her impressive culinary career!)

Tasty treats were out for sampling. Chicken sate, roasted plump chicken with peanut sauce is great finger food.

Banana leaf wrapped curried rice was fantastic. In fact, you have to scoop it up with your fingers to eat it, just like you would in the streets of Bangkok!

Little wrapped veggie triangles bite with dipping sauces... It's all about the sauces!

Look forward to a Thai tasting adventure at saffron in the near future!

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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