Sunday, May 23, 2010

Farmers market food hunt

With Appetite in full swing and the farmers market having options to explore, let see where the tastebuds take us today.

First, load up Joes.. Caffiene served with a smile or sometimes a question mark:

Grilled panini's from the brothers of brazil, sweet succulent cheeses oozing over chicken or turkey and others, hand pressed to grilled perfection:

Close up bite shot:

Grilled chicken and cheddar with spinach.. Good start.

What's ahead? Asian BBQ:

Show me some legs:

Blow up the picture drool over the bbq'd meats.

A little palate cleanser, 2 buck oyster schucks:

Migniotte, Vinegar and Tabasco... Delicious.

The Pavlov response goes crazy with grilled burgers smoking hot:

Dipping and tasting all kinds of hummus (curried, avocado, chipotle), a red velvet cake cookie topped it all:

Brunch on the go, lots of good foods at hillcrests farmer's market.

- Posted using mobile cam

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