Monday, May 24, 2010

Desperate housewives makeovers at TJ's

All of us know that trader joes has some fantastic finds, from Eco friendly ethnic varieties to one of kind goodness. The cilantro dressing, chipotle aoili, roasted beat salad, orange chicken, veggie potstickers or the tzatziki and hummus are just a few. And let's not forget the kumquat and goji berries!

It's also great to use their salads, sandwiches and even frozen preparations as starters for meals. That's right, improve upon the basics for an added flavor and wow the crowds!

Take the turkey wrap for example. A basic turkey Aram style wrap that makes a quick lunch on the go. Heat her up in some kalamata olive oil, fresh oregano, cracked black pepper and sea salt to taste and you have a near aramini (ok I made that up but a cross between an aram sandwich and a panini):

Served with a tangy sesame shitake and Ginger sauce with Tabasco fire or a cilantro pesto basil dipping sauce, this little packaged turkey wrap is aramanastic!

Sprinkle a little fairy dust on the southwestern BBQ chicken salad with some fresh chipotle pesto fusion, and let the tastebuds revel in sin:

Fresh from the farm, nectarines and wild blueberries splashed with a little bee's honey for a soft subdued sweetness of fructose and sucrose:

TJ's upgrades, that's what's cooking.

- Posted using mobile cam

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