But sometimes, you go to events where not even two hands can get the "amusebusch" into your smiley jaws.
Here's an example a good single handed crab cakes tha you can pop easily in between conversations:

A little bacon wrapped scallop got in there somehow... Hmmm
Although I love sushi, it's not really a great finger food. With wine glasses, wasabi, soy sauce and chopsticks, how is one to elegantly eat while on the go working a crowd full of sharks?

Not so easy...
And occassionally you get complete handfuls where you have to turn away from people just to taste:

The perfect grab and go.. Mea on a stick...

Little bruschetti with tomatoe toppings to fall all over while you bite don't need engineers to tell you it's not a grab and go food:

Little packed goodness in bite sized to go triangles definately a finger food plus:

What's your finger delight?
- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)
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