Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fingerfoods: finger lickin or finger flickin?

It's sometimes amazing how fingerfood can get out of control. It's suppose to be finger food.. I.e stuff you pick up with one hand and shove in your mouth as you walk the line, peruse the crowd or quietly eat your dinner in small bites.

But sometimes, you go to events where not even two hands can get the "amusebusch" into your smiley jaws.

Here's an example a good single handed crab cakes tha you can pop easily in between conversations:

A little bacon wrapped scallop got in there somehow... Hmmm

Although I love sushi, it's not really a great finger food. With wine glasses, wasabi, soy sauce and chopsticks, how is one to elegantly eat while on the go working a crowd full of sharks?

Not so easy...

And occassionally you get complete handfuls where you have to turn away from people just to taste:

The perfect grab and go.. Mea on a stick...

Little bruschetti with tomatoe toppings to fall all over while you bite don't need engineers to tell you it's not a grab and go food:

Little packed goodness in bite sized to go triangles definately a finger food plus:

What's your finger delight?

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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