Sunday, June 6, 2010

R gang eatery hillcrest

The old busalacchi's on 5th next to the tractor room has been converted into a new space serving American small creative plates.

Well, the space is still feeling it's vibe, overly enthusiastic hosts waiting for new arrivals, the menu had a variety of eclectic flavors.

For starters, tried the ahi tartare. Was a little surprised to get cooked tuna serve on flower crisps:

It was tasty, however ahi tartare should be raw. It's a little disappointing that many places are shying away from raw foods.

The tomatoe soup was hearty, almost a but like a ragu sauce. The polenta chunks were awful. Dried out and stale!

This one needs a remake!

The tenderloin skewers with pesto mint was actually fantastic:

The decor has to change and the place needs to find it's happy medium, but a potential turn around for this once old school Italian spot seems to be in the work.

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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