Sunday, June 13, 2010

Terra Hillcrest

A quick stop at Terra had us make the observation that new art pieces were adorning the walls. The environment still needs a complete makeover but it's at least a start.

The chicken and fruit salad was a hearty portion, roasted chicken slices, tomatoes, beets and golden raisins was quite good:

The black bass coated with sesame seeds and togadashi was served over udon noodles:

The fish was cooked well, the noodles however were too salty. This dish unortuneately did not go down well. A little sensitive these days, something just didn't work out.

The salad however was something that would be perfec for a hot summer day lunch.

Uptown folks get 20 percent off..

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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