Thursday, July 29, 2010


Flatbread burritos or aram-ini's (aram sandwhich gone panini... Lol) are a fabulous way to roll up complementary flavors. Grill it, bake it, toast or just roll with it, the combinations are practically endless.

Opening the fridge is always an adventure. Spontaniety, creativity and practicality all fuel the adrenaline rush. Cooked turkey with mushrooms and roasted tomatoes with spinach welcomed the mozzarella into the party:

Garlic dusted wheat lavash bread, a little oregano and Spanish olive oil took the party inside:

That's a little mushroom sticking out of the back... With a strawberry and spinach salad drizzled with a fig balsamic and a side of roasted yellow and red pepper salsa, this rolled flatbread just said booyah to the imitators...

Move over chipotle, the Pan and iron skillet is moving in :)

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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