Sunday, July 25, 2010

Grilling action

The sun finally broke the clouds of san Diego, poolside, grill and food brought the party together.

Grilled chicken marinaded in garlic, oregano, thyme, cumin and special spices sizzled under the fire with roasted green onions...

Fabulous smoking action! Olive oil baste eggplant with pungent Rosemary and seasoned with salt from the shores of France burnt to a fantastic crisp, accompanied with balsamic drenched leeks and pepper crusted Italian squash!

Sweet yellow onion roasted in it's own juice ala Mexican style:

Burn baby burn... So delicious, sprinkled with a little lemon juice, oh yeah!

A feast for the char gods, throw some peaches on that grill and douce them with a white tangy balsamic vinegar for an extra punch:

Great grilling action:


Grill away!

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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