With all the finicky eaters out there, more and more combo plates are being prepared to minimize the portion size but maximize something you will like.
To this extent, let's take a look at some of the new trends in the event space:

Spinach salad with sliced mushrooms and accompanied with a goat cheese stuffed puffed cigar brought about a remake of a classic salad.
The main plate: a combination chicken and brisket, chicken covered in a bernaise like sauce with pepper, brisket tender and succulent with risotto and baby carrots

For dessert, small bites to capture all the flavors. Chocolate mouse topped with vanilla cream filled shot glass. Berry, and we mean single berry compotes in a strawberry, raspberry or blueberry dipping sauce, apple topped creme brûlée cups:

Overall, a notch above the dried out chicken with mash potatoes.
- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)
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