Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wrap me up with a bottle of happiness

Pressed for time and inner gods were screaming for some food, a little lavash bread with oregano and paprika, ground turkey basted with mustard, onions, garlic and pepper. Melted in harmony with a little mozzarella coated in Spanish olive oil. Topped with roasted tomatoes, the smoky flavors of the Mediterranean and American goodness just said eat me:

A mango and curried chicken spinach salad with quijote seeds complemented the wrap:

Put together, delicious:

A little experiment selected the mystery bottle.. A young spicy oreano bottle, a bled of some sort... Would you try this:

When in doubt, a bottle of happiness is around the corner:

A new little dessert combo of soy vanilla ice cream, lemon sorbet and lemon custard with blueberries... Little smooth dancing party like the old soul train!

- Posted using mobile cam.. Eating and blogging on the go, excuse spelling mistakes :)

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