Sunday, March 7, 2010

Eggscellent adventure

After the mornings workout and dealing with rain and unexpected traffic, as well as inspired by the egg cook off, decided to whip up a couple of egg dishes.

Many Sunday mornings, the craving for some phenomenal eggs for brunch has gone unsatisfied. Scrambled, poached, a la florentine, Benedict, boiled, quiched, omlettified, all the egg dishes sampled have been ok or just plain, all egg-xcept (lol) the tractor room. But today with the rain, home cooking was more in order.

It started with lavash bread being ripped into pieces, Cooked in olive oil, fresh thyme, cracked pepper and oregano:

As the strips crispified, beaten eggs were mixed in, sauteed green onion and scallions were brought to a high heat:

A little tomatilla salsa, a dash of chalula... Ok a couple of dashes, some boiled chicken and straw hat mushrooms were added. Some grated mozarrella cheese brought the pseudo chilaquile dish to completion:

Served with Trader Joes flaxseed corn tortilla chips, the cruchy texture with the cooked lavash bread, chicken, cheese and eggs was a play of flavors and textures! The spice from chalula collaborating with the tomatilla salsa brought a power play party in your mouth.. Score!!

The second egg-trafying challenge was a farmers fresh mix light frittata. Starting out with olive oil, pearl onions, garlic , and heirloom tomatoes, the aromas brought smiles..

Adding in the eggs, the bubbling starts. Throw in some fresh basil, and a delicatley frittata pops an Italian farmers punch:

Very satisfied indeed. Egg-static... Lol.

- mobile food cam

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