Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Hole - pt loma

With all the watering holes around SD, everyone had been raving about the Hole since I got here. A typical Sunday drinking spot, with cheap drinks and an outdoor atmosphere, finally got to experience the Hole.

Ironically enough, this popular hangout for the gay community is a ways down from a catholic church. Lol... The scene is basicallly flip flop Sunday beach meets recovering party goers. Casual, very. Lively crowd, with pitcher drinks pouring your favorites for 12 bucks. The Lynchburg lemonade or south Carolina tea in the face of the sun smells like the beginning of a good time.

The place does not have much food, but they do offer grilled burgers and dogs. The burgers, with charbroiled onions are quite good:

- mobile food cam

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