Friday, March 26, 2010

Wellington- steak and martini's

The newest addition to the café blue and red door restuarant Group is Wellington. Set for the martini drinking meat eaters, the addition has enough character to tame the carnivore.

A small and intimate interior has roughly 12 or so tables. Modern contemporary dark decor is accented With bold color paintings. A small bar línes with mirrors accentuates the dark interior.

As you can imagine, just about every modification of martini's exist. From vodkas to gins, your favorites aré definately available.

The food selection is focused around meat: tartare, filets, ribeyes and of course the Wellington preparation: a puffed pastry Covered steak preparation.

The service was fantastic from the start. Well informed happy people Greated you With the menu's selection.

The fresh Green mesculine salad With blue cheese and candied walnuts was great:

The Roasted tomatoe salad With cracked pepper and hot oven bread was delicous:

The 8 oz filet mignon was requested medium rare to savor the flesh's flavors. Acconpanied With grilled asparagus and hot baked yukon potatoes.. All topped With a chimichurri Sauce was fabulous:

The strawberry rhubarb tart was an amazing explosion of baked goodness. Definately a place to return to.

- mobile food cam

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